4 Years Later - Living without Grace

grace living with grace Jan 24, 2022

A conversation with Aria, Grace's kitten. A bit of bonus content or backstage insight into the story of Living with Grace.




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The Magic in a Death Experience

When I told my publisher I was going to have a 2 year anniversary celebration of the book release, he asked: what magical thing happened in the last two years?

All I could think of, initially, was: where exactly have you been? It’s been full of death, grief and the pandemic!

As I really sat with this question, the one big piece of tangible goodness was I inherited a cat! Her name is Zoe. And I inherited her because of a death. … Interestingly, Zoe is one of Grace’s surrogate kittens. She was litter mate to my Aria (all characters in my book, Living with Grace, A Story of Love and Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart, of course!)

My thought was well, that means i have to talk about death again. And I didn’t really like that until I realized life really is a series of deaths and rebirths. Indeed, even my book was born from Grace’s death.

While you may not have had a death in your life due to the pandemic, or know someone who has, the truth is we have all had numerous deaths to ou...

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Divine Alignment Brings Out the Haters

Yesterday was one of the most magical days I have had since my daughter’s wedding last year. I began with intentionally listening to what was around me in the morning as I recited “Thank you for _____.” My day began with a deep sense of Peace.

The day flowed as if by magic.

I was gifted a remarkable 6 month program — on something I have been wanting to do for a long time. $3000 in my proverbial pocket. Tears of gratitude. I expressed my gratitude by going out into nature.

Woven into the day I saw far too many people’s posts in my Facebook feed that their beloved pet had died. Earlier in the day, someone has asked for prayers, as her sister was fighting for her life battling covid. ~ Immediately following 3 posts about pets dying, her new post cam up stating her sister had passed.

Something snapped.

My book, Living with Grace ~ A Story of Love & Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart, could be so very valuable to each and everyone of these individuals. My heart is big. A tragic f...

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Living with Grace ~ Healing After Trauma


Episode 5

Trauma can be a catalyst for personal transformation. Sometimes that transformation comes quickly, sometimes slowly. But change is always the result.



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Living with Grace ~ Simplicity in Authentic Grace


Episode 4. How do you get to the place of Authentic Grace? What are the steps? How do you know when you are "there"? Are you ever there?

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Living with Grace ~ The End of Resistance Brings Grace


Episode 3

Let go of the parts of you you no longer want and reinvent yourself!

To find my book, Living with Grace, go here.



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Living with Grace ~ How is Covid Changing YOU?


Episode 2

To find my book, go here. 

Ready for more grace? I can help. I offer a Journey to Grace ~ A 6 Step Personalized Roadmap call. Free.

Schedule Appointment

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Living with Grace ~ A New Perspective on your Relationships


Episode 1

To find my book, go here. 

Need more grace in your life? Ready for more grace? I offer a Journey to Grace ~ A 6 Step Personalized Roadmap call. Free.

Schedule Appointment

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Riding the Waves of Alignment

Have you ever been at the ocean and ridden a wave? It is not as easy as it is fun! If you don’t time it just right, you’re slapped on your butt! If your jump is not at the precise moment necessary, you’re slammed with a wall of water — and it’s jarring!

But! When you have practiced numerous times, and get the hang of it, well, it’s magic! You slide into the wave in perfect harmony and the awe, joy, exhilaration is just plain THERE. AND as a bonus, the wave takes you far!

As I write this it’s just past noon and twice already today the analogy of riding the waves has come up in conversation.

First in a podcast interview (stay tuned!) and the second in a coaching call.

The topic was Alignment. How do you know when you are in alignment? And the analogy I came up with was riding the wave….

Releasing a book into the world, or any other “Something” you are working on, has with it a lot of pressure, expectations from many sources — including yourself, and fears that it won’t be “s...

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