Yesterday was one of the most magical days I have had since my daughter’s wedding last year. I began with intentionally listening to what was around me in the morning as I recited “Thank you for _____.” My day began with a deep sense of Peace.
The day flowed as if by magic.
I was gifted a remarkable 6 month program — on something I have been wanting to do for a long time. $3000 in my proverbial pocket. Tears of gratitude. I expressed my gratitude by going out into nature.
Woven into the day I saw far too many people’s posts in my Facebook feed that their beloved pet had died. Earlier in the day, someone has asked for prayers, as her sister was fighting for her life battling covid. ~ Immediately following 3 posts about pets dying, her new post cam up stating her sister had passed.
Something snapped.
My book, Living with Grace ~ A Story of Love & Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart, could be so very valuable to each and everyone of these individuals. My heart is big. A tragic family death in February is still raw. I wanted to do something…..
I went on to Facebook and asked for a creative way to establish a scholarship fund so I may send a book to those experiencing a family death. Within ten minutes, I had a text from someone wishing to buy books to donate. I was, again, overcome with gratitude.
Tears and all, I look and there it is: a hater come to hate. How ugly a myopic lens is. I was being an opportunist, she said. Well, my lens is: it’s an opportunity for me to send you a book.
I gave her no space within my space to hate upon my compassion for those who were suffering.
It has been a long while since I have been in such a beautiful place of Divine Alignment. Clearly the Divine has demonstrated that with two lovely, generous and completely unexpected gifts. These gifts will keep blessing others, that is certain.
So when you find yourself being Hated Upon, know you are in Alignment and their energy no longer can tolerate the octave at which you vibrate.
Remember that.