I realized this weekend that my 90 days are up.
Let me explain.
I started using Asea Redox Cell Signaling Supplement April 1, 2022. Why? Because I observed my cat Zoe respond so fast — and so remarkably positive. It didn’t look like she’d survive the weekend, but instead I was gifted with 96 days. This makes my heart happy. Her quality of life was really very good and only the last 4 days were quite difficult — and I believe that was because she stopped eating her moist food which was the delivery system I used — with her food.Â
Her immediate response was so mind boggling for me, I decided I wanted to “try it.” And, just as I teach that when you begin anything new, you give it 90 days, I jumped in knowing I was in for 90 days.
During the first 30 days I did not consciously notice anything, except that my teeth felt clean all day long! Isn’t that an interesting “side effect!” Nonetheless, I stayed true to my commitment.
On day 34 I visited my chiropractor. And while I was face down...
June 19 marked 8 years since I fell and suffered a traumatic brain injury. Eight years!
If you or someone you know has suffered a TBI, you know what the recovery process is like. It seems like an endless to and fro from one appointment to another to regain what was lost.
I could not read (and comprehend); I could not listen to music (unless it was classical or in another language). I could watch TV which I found odd and still do. It was about 8 months before I realized I could read more than a sentence or two and actually remember what I read.
And you know what? I was never bored. I learned that boredom is like a brain function. My brain was so broken I didn’t have the capacity of boredom. I joked (because to not joke would mean I’d have to cry at the sadness of it) that I would change my seat to change my view.
I learned to BE. I learned to sit in stillness.
I assembled a team of professionals — from PT, OT, speciality chiropractic, neurologist, myofascia, cranial sacral, massage...
 Tina Hull of MasterfulU interviews me as a way to introduce the MasterfulU community to me and my work. Â
What is MasterfulU?Â
An inspirational community that helps you navigate your way to fulfillment through the self-care beacons of nourishment, movement, mindfulness and creative expression.
I'd love to have you join me there!
A year ago today my daughter and I left for a road trip. It was to be a 12 day trip.
It lasted three days.
Twelve hours after leaving, I was flat on my back, in a pool of my own blood, one hand holding my daughter’s. The other holding the hand of a hotel staff member, in shock, under blankets with onlookers making comments as if I had gone deaf. We awaited the ambulance.
Thus began the long road back from a Traumatic Brain Injury.
It’s been a very long year.
The most obvious thing is that the most obvious injury gets the attention. The gushing wound on my chin got the attention. Two and a half weeks later I was diagnosed with two concussions. No wonder my world had become surreal. It had never entered my mind – no pun intended at all. I just didn’t understand what was happening to me.
I couldn’t read; I couldn’t spend much time on the computer. I could not enjoy YouTube videos or educational learning product...