I owe it all to Zoe.
After all, if it hadn’t been for her and her illness I would not have had the dream.
I see Asea as the gift she gave me. A parting gift, if you will. Her sacrifice, my gain.
Let me explain.
The morning I received her diagnosis, I saw a simple post on social media. A photo of the Asea Redox Cell Signaling bottle and 4 simple sentences.
It went into my subconscious as interesting. That’s it.
Later that same day I was given the bad news that Zoe’s body was full of growths. Inoperable. I was devastated. I had brought my sweet Zoe in for a well check and was given a death sentence.
I’d just “done this” with Grace (her surrogate mama) a few years before, and I didn’t want to d...
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