by Marita Rahlenbeck
Nature sings
as it wakes up from
winter slumber.
It shouts and calls
for rebirth.
The birds tweet
and caw
and tease.
They sing
and chirp
and flit.
The trees are ready to sprout their leaves
for another season.
The grass is ready to turn
green and lush.
All this, for me, the observer.
The lake shape shifts before me;
the water dances many dances
as the wind decides how it wants to play.
The rain falls gently, so gently
it is barely noticeable,
but I hear the gentle and graceful
notes on the earth as the two meet.
All this, for me, the one who listens.
Moments of Silence and Stillness
between breaths
and then a graceful song from a robin.
Then sheā€™s gone and only a gentle breeze
shows herself to me as the mighty oak
silently waves her branches.
All this, for me, as I watch the world wake up
before my very eyes.
How blessed am I?
GratitudeĀ Ā ~Ā Ā Gratitude
So much Gratitude
This poem lovingly and with deep appreciation dedicate...
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