I Love You

I love you.
Three tiny words.
I love you.
It’s so hard to say it to someone you REALLY love for fear of being rejected.
It’s so hard to say it to someone because they have not said it to you first.
It’s so hard to say it aloud for being judged, laughed at or not taken seriously.
Why is that?
And yet. You hear it frequently at the end of a conversation. Kinda like “goodbye.”
I’ve said it.
How do you use or say those three tiny words? DO you say those three tiny words?
What I really wanted to share with you beyond how these words or sentiments are thrown around rather cavalierly, is
How important it is to say it to YOURSELF!
Your self love is foundational in many things, first and foremost how you see, value and approach life; how you treat yourself and allow others to treat you; the quality of your life — mentally, physically, spiritually.
Can you look in the mirror — right into your eyes — and say I love you? Can you look in the mirro...
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The Sneaky Side of Grief

This chair.
It's older than I am.
My dad bought it for my mom when she was pregnant with me.
I don't even remember how it came to be mine? It's weird how sometimes I remember EVERYTHING about an experience, a thing and sometimes I have no idea ....
Why am I sharing this chair with you today? Because it's a weekend. And the last several weekends I have wanted to sit myself in this chair and call my mom.
I used to call her once a week - usually on a weekend. She was so funny in her inconsistencies. Sometimes she would talk and talk and talk. (I would put her on speaker and just listen) And sometimes she would say a few words, too busy or distracted to chat and the conversation would be over in just a few minutes.
I was grateful when she recognized my voice and had delight in hers.
Maybe I miss her more because it's January and I usually flew to Florida around now? (she lived there; I do not!)
I don't know. What I do know is t
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Self Care For The Holidays (And Any Other Time)

When was the last time you put yourself FIRST?
Are you wired to always put others first and then one day you find you are utterly exhausted?
Where do you need to break a barrier within your own habits so you can keep your cup full?
Here's some encouragement to put yourself first, especially as we move into an intense holiday seasons. When you do, Remembering more of YOU becomes easier.
I give you permission to allow yourself to do Absolutely.Nothing.For.A.Day and do what makes you happy.


Love the idea of an 11 month mentorship program that will help you stop the continual searching and start giving you a sense of hope and peace while giving you concrete feelings of forward movement you’ve been craving? Yes? Here's the next step; submit the application and let's get start the dialogue! 

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The Intersection of Too Much & Too Much

archive self care Feb 12, 2013

Have you ever come to that intersection where too much collides with too much? And all the too muches are of the wrong kind?

I have.

So I asked a friend if I could stay at his beautiful vacation home for a few days.

The morning after I arrived I looked out the window and my breath was literally taken away by this view. That sharp, quick in-breath. And I realized that I had not appreciated this beauty when I arrived because I was so wrapped up in the unplowed driveway and first getting into the garage without incident (read: getting stuck). And then wondering if I’d be able to get out without said incident.

This property holds a huge space in my heart, and I have never not appreciated this lovely forest on the drive down to the house.

I am here for R&R. My life has too much of too much. These next days are about creating balance and coming back to my Center. Only then can I adequately do my job which is about helping others do exactly that.

Where does your life have too much?

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