Recently I stopped at a lemonade stand, took out a dollar and gave it to the girl with long blond hair and a huge smile on her face. She asked if I wanted some lemonade. No. You have one on me; I just wanted to support your entrepreneurial spirit. And with countless thank yous and you’re welcomes we both went back to what we were doing.
I know she won’t forget that moment. Sometime in her future when she struggles between doing what’s easy or following her heart, she’ll remember there was this lady who stopped and gave her a dollar and validated her vision.
I had a huge aha around the word support today.
I love to both support people and endeavors that are important to me and to feel supported by others.
It makes me feel seen, valued and validated in who I am.
I knew this. And today I saw it in a deeper way.
Because it’s important to me, I naturally bring this type of support and validation into my work.
I am super excited to invite you to be part of the flagship class...
 Tina Hull of MasterfulU interviews me as a way to introduce the MasterfulU community to me and my work. Â
What is MasterfulU?Â
An inspirational community that helps you navigate your way to fulfillment through the self-care beacons of nourishment, movement, mindfulness and creative expression.
I'd love to have you join me there!
  Part Three in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle
Sometimes you just need someone to care. To be asked how it’s going and be heard, listened to, validated. Sometimes the answer requires action.
Such was the case with Daniel recently when I was there for a visit. At 72, having to repattern his lifestyle because his life literally depends on it is difficult, I’m sure. It is hard, frustrating, annoying and more. He had mentioned he’d gone a few consecutive times without getting a successful glucose reading. In frustration he’d given up.
It’s easy to brush something like that aside, as it requires sitting down and learning something new. And honestly, sometimes we would rather just now know or face the truth.
But before I left, I said let’s figure this out together. This is important.
I read the instructions step by step and then we found the error. He got a result of 129! The joy on his face was something to behold. He is not one to emote; so this was cool. 129 is such a drastic change fro...
  Part Two in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle
You may remember me telling you about my friend who was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes….
Let’s meet Daniel quick. In a nutshell:
72 year old male. Overweight. Active, but not excessively athletic. Diet consisting mostly of processed foods and sugary sodas. Water? That’s what you wash your hands with, right?
I went to the local co-op and outfitted his kitchen pantry… Over the weekend, I spent a considerable amount of time with him going through his fridge and cupboard. … Let’s just say his cupboard looked nothing like mine. I have become an avid label reader and know what to look for hidden in plain view in the little tiny letters somewhere on the packaging.
This time, though, I was not looking for hidden gluten — I was looking for hidden sugars by many different names.
I found the back of his fridge and cupboards and literally filled up his trash bin for next week.
The biggest surprise (and I have to say I am surprised I was ...
  Part One in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle
A very close individual in my life was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I dropped everything and accompanied him to his two hour 1 on 1 education. One hour with an RN specializing in diabetes education and one hour (which was more like 40 minutes) with a dietician.
I agreed to ask questions and be a second set of ears. While I didn’t promise to not contradict what I disagreed with, I have to say I was proud of my ability to hold my tongue.
From a #CleanEating perspective, what they taught has much to be desired.
Choose margarine and canola oil over coconut oil and butter.
Nowhere in this dialogue was organic v conventional mentioned. (conventional butter is full of food coloring, not to mention growth hormones and other toxins)
Diet over regular soda was recommended (this patient has been guzzling soda by the case for decades…). There was one reference to drinking water — in 2 hours! No guidance on how much to drink. For someone...