I found a penny today.
An old, unattractive penny. It had probably survived all the snow and salt and was well, not so pristine.
It was the first thing I saw as I opened the car door. I was delighted.
And I decided to pick it up.
I saw it as a gift from the Universe. Here. A penny. It’s not bright and shiny, but it’s a gift. A penny. One cent.
The reason I am sharing in such detail is that usually I notice and leave it for someone else to find. I imagine someone like my sister who, when she finds a penny, is all excited and perhaps encouraged, because she sees it as a gift from her beloved dog who has crossed over. I imagine a child being very excited, bending over to pick it up and showing mommy….
But today, I changed my viewpoint.
This penny was for ME. I picked it up, said thank you and put it in my car.
At that moment I realized that all those times I noticed, did NOT say thank you, did NOT pick it up I was dissing God. I was saying it was too small for me to bother.
...A few years ago I had a new patio door installed. This winter it was apparent there was a leak. New one ordered and today was the day it was to be installed.
Toby, nice guy, hard worker, broken foot and all came over. Took the old door out, brought it outside, brought the new one in and low and behold, it was built wrong! He took it in stride, which was a big, admirable deal given he was doing all this with a broken foot.
I went with the flow and did not get upset. I have learned something my coach calls Divine Pace. It brings me comfort and perspective in many things.
When I think I “should” be further along in my business, I remember Divine Pace.
When I think I “should” have the program developed by now, I remember Divine Pace.
When I think a client “should” have had that insight or breakthrough already, I remember Divine Pace.
It’s very helpful, and it’s not a gimmick. It’s not a psychological mind set.
It’s truly something you can settle into and feel. And when you do that, ...
It is raining. Again. A steady, mostly gentle rain. A cleansing rain.
It rained all day yesterday, too.
And I can’t help but wondering about the cleansing God is gifting us with.
Cleansing the yuck and muck from an outrageously long, hard, cruel winter, yes. But also a cleansing of the old yuck and muck from our past choices. The water removing any residual energy from less than ideal decisions and choices, any residual negative emotions and washing them back into the earth.
This cleansing makes receiving and embracing the New that much easier to step into and embrace.
If it’s raining where you are or not, does not matter, you can always intentionally remove any residual undesirable energies. Call upon the angels and Ascended Masters to help.
And then step fully into a new version of yourself.