I was presented with an award last week.
For being Self-Led!
I am so honored, thrilled and excited. Why? because someone actually SEES the act of being self-led as awardable.
Let me explain.
I am someone who seeks out opportunities to learn, to gain access to information and communities that will make me better, impart a skill I need, shift a mindset I have AND THEN ACTS UPON IT.
As a coach and mentor, I encounter many people who want these same things, but they don’t take action — action to get herself in the room, take out the credit card and invest in the course, the coaching, the thing that’ll collapse time for them and take themselves to their next level. They lead themselves right up to the door and then refuse to turn the door knob and open the door and step through.
When I first came into Joanna Hunter’s world through her My Million Dollar Experiment, her language profoundly resonated with me.
2021 has been about p...
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