Diabetes and Your Pantry

  Part Two in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle

You may remember me telling you about my friend who was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes….

Let’s meet Daniel quick. In a nutshell:

72 year old male. Overweight. Active, but not excessively athletic. Diet consisting mostly of processed foods and sugary sodas. Water? That’s what you wash your hands with, right?

I went to the local co-op and outfitted his kitchen pantry… Over the weekend, I spent a considerable amount of time with him going through his fridge and cupboard. … Let’s just say his cupboard looked nothing like mine. I have become an avid label reader and know what to look for hidden in plain view in the little tiny letters somewhere on the packaging.

This time, though, I was not looking for hidden gluten — I was looking for hidden sugars by many different names.

I found the back of his fridge and cupboards and literally filled up his trash bin for next week.

The biggest surprise (and I have to say I am surprised I was ...

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