An Embodied Jewish Priestess is a Quintessential Woman

I met a Quintessential Woman last week. She is an embodied Jewish Priestess who exudes joy, grace, mirth. She lives and breathes her faith without pretentiousness. Her faith is her life; her life is her faith. She carries out her best practices without any show or need for attention. In fact, if I didn’t know what she was doing softly in the background, it would not be obvious she was doing anything. I believe most people didn’t even notice her actions. 


I even heard her daughter ask her ‘mama, would you bless me?”


I didn’t even have time to ask her what that meant? Is it a daily practice for a Jewish Mama Priestess to bless her children?


How utterly delightful. And holy. 


The world needs more women like this. 


There were other women there who were the exact opposite — forcing their faith on the group as a whole. At the very least it was inappropriate. At the most …. well, I have lots of words. What’s yours?


Being in her energy and then experiencing the “other” ...

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