Fast Action Means Less Suffering


Not making a decision is still a decision! And your suffering continues. I give you permission to choose YOU.

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Your Ultimate Calling ~ Why Have You Come?


Why are you here? Do you Remember? ~ A high level existential musing on what your obstacles may be in your Remembering and overall well being.

To schedule your Clarity Call:

Join me in my online community: 


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Your Hot Mess Awakening

Waking up to your own Self is not always peaches and cream, but rather it can be a hot mess. It's messy, ugly, painful. And it's yours. No right. No wrong. It's yours.

Go beyond the lines. That's where your Awakening is.


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How to Find Peace When Deciding Is Hard


When you are faced with decisions how do you decide? Do you decide or choose? What is the difference? Join me for an On The Go Wisdom Walk exploring these questions.

Love food as much as I do? (you heard my giggles of delight, right?) Snag your copy of Six Easy, Quick and Delicious Recipes for your Optimal Health here: 

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Christmas Musings on the Art of the Ask

I challenge you to RElearn to ask for what it is you want. RElearn the Art of the Ask.


This implies you UNlearned the easy-ness and joy of how to ask for what you want.

Ask and it is given — a basic Universal Law, a basic premise in Ancient texts.

Why, then, is it so hard for us to simply


Because circumstances and experiences in the past taught us it was hard, inappropriate, futile — or any combination of these — to ask, because we wouldn’t get the wish fulfilled anyway.


I can’t negate your experiences — or mine for that matter — so now what?

The challenge I put before you is to RElearn the art of the ask.

If you have the desire in your heart, there must be a means to achieve, receive, create it, right? Right!

What if you learned early on, as a child, that to ask for that train set, or the baseball bat, or a special doll that put undue burden on your parents? so you learned it was easier to just not ask (and expect)? While there is indeed a realn...

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