Dancing Between Heaven and Earth

Honoring the Process of Dying

When my daughter was 10, she had a gerbil. It’s been so long I cannot remember his name.

She and her father went on vacation; it was then, of course, that I noticed he was not well. He struggled to walk – he wasn’t chewing up the toilet paper roll. I knew he was dying, but why now? When my child was not there? What was I going to do?!

I’d take him out and hold him in my hand while I sat with him. I’d sit such that he was positioned at my heart. I willed him to die – to end his suffering.

What I noticed was that every time I did that, he’d get more energy, and I thought a miracle had occurred.

No. He was just taking in the love from my heart center and using it as fuel for just a bit.

This went on for a few days. I didn’t want him to die while my 10 year old was gone! What kind of closure (or not) would that bring her?!

One night, after my ritual of holding him at my heart and telling him it was ok to...

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