Transforming Health in 90 Days

I realized this weekend that my 90 days are up.

Let me explain.

I started using Asea Redox Cell Signaling Supplement April 1, 2022. Why? Because I observed my cat Zoe respond so fast — and so remarkably positive. It didn’t look like she’d survive the weekend, but instead I was gifted with 96 days. This makes my heart happy. Her quality of life was really very good and only the last 4 days were quite difficult — and I believe that was because she stopped eating her moist food which was the delivery system I used — with her food. 

Her immediate response was so mind boggling for me, I decided I wanted to “try it.” And, just as I teach that when you begin anything new, you give it 90 days, I jumped in knowing I was in for 90 days.

During the first 30 days I did not consciously notice anything, except that my teeth felt clean all day long! Isn’t that an interesting “side effect!” Nonetheless, I stayed true to my commitment.

On day 34 I visited my chiropractor. And while I was face down...

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Fast Action Means Less Suffering


Not making a decision is still a decision! And your suffering continues. I give you permission to choose YOU.

Use REFRESH200 for $200 savings! Use by 1/31/2021

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Diabetes: Taking Time To Get It Right

  Part Three in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle

Sometimes you just need someone to care. To be asked how it’s going and be heard, listened to, validated. Sometimes the answer requires action.

Such was the case with Daniel recently when I was there for a visit. At 72, having to repattern his lifestyle because his life literally depends on it is difficult, I’m sure. It is hard, frustrating, annoying and more. He had mentioned he’d gone a few consecutive times without getting a successful glucose reading. In frustration he’d given up.

It’s easy to brush something like that aside, as it requires sitting down and learning something new. And honestly, sometimes we would rather just now know or face the truth.

But before I left, I said let’s figure this out together. This is important.

I read the instructions step by step and then we found the error. He got a result of 129! The joy on his face was something to behold. He is not one to emote; so this was cool. 129 is such a drastic change fro...

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A Dreaded Diagnosis: Diabetes

  Part One in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle

A very close individual in my life was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I dropped everything and accompanied him to his two hour 1 on 1 education. One hour with an RN specializing in diabetes education and one hour (which was more like 40 minutes) with a dietician.

I agreed to ask questions and be a second set of ears. While I didn’t promise to not contradict what I disagreed with, I have to say I was proud of my ability to hold my tongue.

From a #CleanEating perspective, what they taught has much to be desired.

Choose margarine and canola oil over coconut oil and butter.

Nowhere in this dialogue was organic v conventional mentioned. (conventional butter is full of food coloring, not to mention growth hormones and other toxins)

Diet over regular soda was recommended (this patient has been guzzling soda by the case for decades…). There was one reference to drinking water — in 2 hours! No guidance on how much to drink. For someone...

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