The Keys to Finding Your Authentic Voice Now

Today I had a call from someone who, when we were done said: Keep swearing, you make me smile.

I laughed.

You see, a few years ago now, my coach encouraged me to swear on occasion. Why? Because it really is who I am.

I don’t curse with blue streaks. It’s not crass. It’s just authentic.

I can honestly say that 98%+ of the responses are positive — usually in the form of a giggle or maybe even an outright belly laugh. I just don't hang out with the people who would get offended.

It’s unexpected. 

It’s memorable.

And from a brand position AND a personal one, those that are offended are not “my people.” Hence, why the percentage is super small of people who get their undies in a bundle.

I’ve been in a few rooms lately discussing brands/branding and all the rest. I’ve had people outright take my content/my writing as if it was their own. I’ve watched people try to emulate someone’s success but have fallen on their face.


There are so many reasons! But I'll give you three possib...

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Supporting Each Other is What it's All About

Recently I stopped at a lemonade stand, took out a dollar and gave it to the girl with long blond hair and a huge smile on her face. She asked if I wanted some lemonade. No. You have one on me; I just wanted to support your entrepreneurial spirit. And with countless thank yous and you’re welcomes we both went back to what we were doing.

I know she won’t forget that moment. Sometime in her future when she struggles between doing what’s easy or following her heart, she’ll remember there was this lady who stopped and gave her a dollar and validated her vision.


I had a huge aha around the word support today.

I love to both support people and endeavors that are important to me and to feel supported by others.

It makes me feel seen, valued and validated in who I am.

I knew this. And today I saw it in a deeper way.

Because it’s important to me, I naturally bring this type of support and validation into my work.

I am super excited to invite you to be part of the flagship class...

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Doing something different yields different results

We all wear hats. All different shapes and sizes, colors and materials. Some suit us, some don’t. Some fit ok and some make us shine. Some worked once upon a time, but now we are so comfortable with them hanging around, it has never occurred to us to let them go.

Some hats overlap with others. You might find yourself trying to pull your roles apart and you know what? They are so entangled you can’t.

I participated in a three day virtual retreat last week. A good portion was dedicated to six hats of the Entrepreneur. It highlighted what hats I shine in wearing and what hats I just as soon toss in the trash.

Some hats are necessary to wear but they constrict and bite and are uncomfortable.

==> Are you following a path wearing the wrong hat?

==> Or wearing a hat that fits great but no longer suits you?

==> Do you recognize which hats make you shine the brightest?

Are you weary of all the hats in your closet and wandering down the path looking for a hat that is absolutely perfect? (...

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