Entertaining Angels

Recently as I was driving from one appointment to another, I started dreaming about sitting down in front of a beautiful tomato accompanied with bufala mozzarella. This is hardly a seasonal desire. Tomatoes are disappointing and bufala, as far as I understand, is out of season.

Almost very last minute I heard to go to Trader Joe’s. It’s on the way. I did not have time to hesitate, so I took the next exit and did as was suggested.

I was not disappointed, as they had imported bufala from Italy waiting just for me.

That is why I thought I was at Trader Joe’s.

And the Universe had another reason. A gem, waiting for me in the parking lot.

As I made my way to my car, I noticed an older woman looking at me. I was focused on the task at hand, as I had an appointment to get to…I got in the car and she was now literally following me, attempting to engage me. She was asking for a ride. She lived just down the street, would I do her a favor and bring her home?

The comfort, love and familiari...

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Soul Guidance ~ Finding Direction in Life

Nancy Brook, of Blog Talk Radio's Love Your Path show interviews me on the topic of finding direction for your life. Timeless advise!



Nancy Brook is “The Cycling Chick.” She’s author of Cycling, Wine, and Men: A Midlife Tour de France, a book that’s been called the next Eat, Pray, Love. She is an award-winning speaker, author, show host and MBA. She combines 25-years business experience with lessons learned from her cycling adventures to inspire people to get on their lives and ride! She teaches the value of perseverance, teamwork and leadership.


Originally aired April 2012

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The Miracle of a Spoonbill

I believe in signs, don’t you?!

And sometimes a sign might come in the form of a spoonbill!

I was recently walking one of my favorite beaches – I adore the beach – and I noticed a line – a long line in the sand that clearly had been created by a sea creature moving. My curiosity got the best of me. As I visually followed it away from the shoreline, I saw a spoonbill. – I have NEVER seen a spoonbill in the wild! – I forgot all about this curious line and what kind of creature created it; my attention was now focused on this beautiful, unique bird.

I was SO excited!

You see, my parents address is Spoonbill #10. My mother passed 3 1/2 years ago, and I was in Florida with my sister checking up on dad. It isn’t looking good and all the variables, choices, decisions has us both reeling.

My prayer just before this miraculous spoonbill sighting was – I don’t know what to pray.

I observed this unique, lovely bird for quite some time, then went for my walk contemplating so many things.


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Put Your Life Together One Piece At A Time

My daughter found herself in unexpected (!) emergency surgery on July 4 – a big holiday here in the US. I’m guessing it will forever have its own memories for her….

She pulled out, figuratively speaking – (a friend did the reaching), a 750 piece puzzle to keep her busy that first week home. Puzzles are so magnetic and tempting, aren’t they? Everyone that came to visit was drawn to it. “Just one piece”, it seemed to beg, “just find one piece that will make me more whole.”

My daughter got so frustrated with it. Lots of blues, grays, browns. She was certain there were pieces missing (there weren’t). One day she held a piece and said “why don’t they work?” Indeed.

What I experienced while helping out was this:

  • When I tried too hard, it just would not work. (Attachment)
  • When I came back “just to see,” it was like I had a new pair of eyes and several pieces just spoke to me, almost as if telling me where it lived and should be placed. (Guidance)
  • Little by little, the whole picture ca
  • ...
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