TBI – My Journey to the Mountain

A year ago today my daughter and I left for a road trip. It was to be a 12 day trip.

It lasted three days.

Twelve hours after leaving, I was flat on my back, in a pool of my own blood, one hand holding my daughter’s. The other holding the hand of a hotel staff member, in shock, under blankets with onlookers making comments as if I had gone deaf. We awaited the ambulance.

Thus began the long road back from a Traumatic Brain Injury.

It’s been a very long year.

The most obvious thing is that the most obvious injury gets the attention. The gushing wound on my chin got the attention. Two and a half weeks later I was diagnosed with two concussions. No wonder my world had become surreal. It had never entered my mind – no pun intended at all. I just didn’t understand what was happening to me.

I was on a journey to the mountain top without climbing the mountain.

I couldn’t read; I couldn’t spend much time on the computer. I could not enjoy YouTube videos or educational learning product...

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