Breakdown Before Breakthrough

I’m sure you’ve heard that expression.

Some breakdowns are massive. Obvious. Ridiculously painful. And usually feel never-ending.

Some, however, are almost unrecognizable. If we are not tuned in, in fact, we may miss it altogether and “just” chalk it up to a bad day.

 Some breakdowns feel like you’re standing in the middle of the room looking at your life as it is piled around you — a heap of junk that’s all broken apart and ugly.

Some breakdowns feel like ugh, I am too lazy to give a damn about anything today.

Whichever breakdown it is, it can be comforting to know your breakthrough is soooo close! You can’t push, pull, prod your way there faster. You have to go through the tunnel first.

Did you know that as the butterfly struggles to break free from the cocoon, that if you helped and opened it up just a bit for her, she would die? Her struggle is part of her breakthrough. 

The same holds true for you.

Someone can lovingly hold space for your struggle, can reassure you that yo...

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Evolution of Human Consciousness & Food?

In one of my Facebook groups the question was posed: What is your why? What is your driving force?

I found this question quite engaging… and had to pace. It’s not like I’ve never considered this before. It’s just how do I take a feeling and put words to it?

The first, most obvious answer, if we are all honest, is money. We have financial commitments from the basic food and shelter to the other things that bring pleasure like a nice meal out with a friend or a vacation with the family.

The obviousness aside, my WHY and driving force is the Evolution of Human Consciousness. That’s a mouthful, I know. I am not, however, a philosopher sitting in a stuffy, poorly lit office at the local university with books and papers piled high to the ceiling.

I am a humble servant doing my work, and I look just like you.

I approach the Evolution of Human Consciousness at the very basic level: food. I bring the awareness of my students to food and how it makes them feel. How inclined or disinclined o...

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Dancing Between Heaven and Earth

Honoring the Process of Dying

When my daughter was 10, she had a gerbil. It’s been so long I cannot remember his name.

She and her father went on vacation; it was then, of course, that I noticed he was not well. He struggled to walk – he wasn’t chewing up the toilet paper roll. I knew he was dying, but why now? When my child was not there? What was I going to do?!

I’d take him out and hold him in my hand while I sat with him. I’d sit such that he was positioned at my heart. I willed him to die – to end his suffering.

What I noticed was that every time I did that, he’d get more energy, and I thought a miracle had occurred.

No. He was just taking in the love from my heart center and using it as fuel for just a bit.

This went on for a few days. I didn’t want him to die while my 10 year old was gone! What kind of closure (or not) would that bring her?!

One night, after my ritual of holding him at my heart and telling him it was ok to go, I vowed if he was still alive the next morni...

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Integrating Spirituality and Consciousness

Kathryn Yarborough is psychospiritual facilitator who teaches her clients how to use movement, breath, and manifestation tools on their awakening and healng journey. For 40 days in 2011, Kathryn did “Everyday Spirituality,” a blogtalkradio show where she interviewed myself and others who are integrating spirituality into their day to day lives. Kathryn was the founder and director of the Center for Embodied Consciousness. In early 2012, she launched Flowing with Change, an online membership community that provides tools, skills, and support for people who are experiencing and initiating change. She can be found on Facebook and at Flowing with Change.



Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Positive about Change on BlogTalkRadio with Flowing with Change on BlogTalkRadio
Originally aired October 2011
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