How to Reverse Your Hair Color Naturally

I just got back from what will probably be my last above 60 degree weather walk. It looks cold and gloomy outside, yet it’s 65 and a bit humid.

Things can look different than they really are.

Take Asea Redox for example. These are cell signaling molecules that can appear to be innocuous and to some overly cynical people a joke. Why? Because the ingredient list is super short: Water and sodium chloride.

Two ingredients put through a complex biotech 3 day process which results in life enhancing, age reversing results.

Are you familiar with my story!?

I found them when Zoe was diagnosed with a fatal, there’s nothing to be done diagnosis. Her response was immediate; I watched her change before my eyes. I wanted to play!

So I did.

I have chronicled my results via videos and blogs so I won’t repeat myself.

The latest, though, is my HAIR! Of all things, around day 100 I noticed my hair color was changing. And all I’d been doing with the magical molecules was drinking 4 ounces daily. H...

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Animals Offer Us Divine Wisdom ~ Here's What Zoe Did

I owe it all to Zoe.

After all, if it hadn’t been for her and her illness I would not have had the dream.

I see Asea as the gift she gave me. A parting gift, if you will. Her sacrifice, my gain.

Let me explain.

The morning I received her diagnosis, I saw a simple post on social media. A photo of the Asea Redox Cell Signaling bottle and 4 simple sentences.

  •  If your cells cannot SIGNAL, little else matters!
  •  Redox molecules AMPLIFY cellular signaling to REPAIR and REPLACE damaged cells!
  •  This is THE HEALTH SCIENCE BREAKTHROUGH of our lifetime!
  •  NOW IS THE TIME to DISCOVER the benefits of this technology for yourself and your loved ones.

It went into my subconscious as interesting. That’s it.

Later that same day I was given the bad news that Zoe’s body was full of growths. Inoperable. I was devastated. I had brought my sweet Zoe in for a well check and was given a death sentence.

I’d just “done this” with Grace (her surrogate mama) a few years before, and I didn’t want to d...

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Transforming Health in 90 Days

I realized this weekend that my 90 days are up.

Let me explain.

I started using Asea Redox Cell Signaling Supplement April 1, 2022. Why? Because I observed my cat Zoe respond so fast — and so remarkably positive. It didn’t look like she’d survive the weekend, but instead I was gifted with 96 days. This makes my heart happy. Her quality of life was really very good and only the last 4 days were quite difficult — and I believe that was because she stopped eating her moist food which was the delivery system I used — with her food. 

Her immediate response was so mind boggling for me, I decided I wanted to “try it.” And, just as I teach that when you begin anything new, you give it 90 days, I jumped in knowing I was in for 90 days.

During the first 30 days I did not consciously notice anything, except that my teeth felt clean all day long! Isn’t that an interesting “side effect!” Nonetheless, I stayed true to my commitment.

On day 34 I visited my chiropractor. And while I was face down...

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Traumatic Brain Injury ~ 8 Years Later

June 19 marked 8 years since I fell and suffered a traumatic brain injury. Eight years!

If you or someone you know has suffered a TBI, you know what the recovery process is like. It seems like an endless to and fro from one appointment to another to regain what was lost.

I could not read (and comprehend); I could not listen to music (unless it was classical or in another language). I could watch TV which I found odd and still do. It was about 8 months before I realized I could read more than a sentence or two and actually remember what I read.

And you know what? I was never bored. I learned that boredom is like a brain function. My brain was so broken I didn’t have the capacity of boredom. I joked (because to not joke would mean I’d have to cry at the sadness of it) that I would change my seat to change my view.

I learned to BE. I learned to sit in stillness.

I assembled a team of professionals — from PT, OT, speciality chiropractic, neurologist, myofascia, cranial sacral, massage...

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