Decisions That Define Us: 5 Keys to Aligned Choices

I didn’t know it, but the decision I made would change my life.

I saw the announcement about an event in a state I loved and I didn’t hesitate or give it a second thought. I said yes, clicked through and invested.

No second thoughts. No excuses. No what ifs or yeah buts. 

This is the ease of making choices from a place of Knowing. 

The event was like Going Home. It was so right I found myself wondering why I had diverged from this path? Yet I didn’t even ask myself this question in this manner. It was still cloudy, but my contentment was familiar and I relished it.

The result of the decision ultimately created a very real struggle — and many questions surfaced:

What does this mean (to me)?

What do I DO about it?

If I do go back, (change my mind) what will people think?

I honored this struggle and gave myself 3 months (!) before I could actually accept it inside my body. 

Here are five tips for making any decisions, particularly difficult ones;

Clarify your values:  Begin by ...

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Momentum Begins Now Not Later

Many of us slide through the month of December. It’s easy to do that, thinking “I’ll start next year.”

The thing is if we plan a bit, dream a bit more and start now we hit January 1 with a bit of momentum.

Momentum at the beginning of the year will help you reach your desires sooner.

Are you ready?

What went well this year?

What did you accomplish that you are super proud of?

Where did you slack and now regret?

What gaps did you expose that you need to fill?

What are you fed up with that you are resolved to remedy in 2023?

On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being excellent, rate:

Your health:

Your wealth

Your family life

Your relationship with yourself

Your relationship with Spirit

Your fitness

Your happiness

Rate yourself on any thing I may have missed but you feel is important

If you’re ready to work with someone who can help collapse the time it takes to achieve your goals, I’m ready if you are. From a more premium choice of a Quintessential VIP experience to Back Pocket co...

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