The Keys to Finding Your Authentic Voice Now

Today I had a call from someone who, when we were done said: Keep swearing, you make me smile.

I laughed.

You see, a few years ago now, my coach encouraged me to swear on occasion. Why? Because it really is who I am.

I don’t curse with blue streaks. It’s not crass. It’s just authentic.

I can honestly say that 98%+ of the responses are positive — usually in the form of a giggle or maybe even an outright belly laugh. I just don't hang out with the people who would get offended.

It’s unexpected. 

It’s memorable.

And from a brand position AND a personal one, those that are offended are not “my people.” Hence, why the percentage is super small of people who get their undies in a bundle.

I’ve been in a few rooms lately discussing brands/branding and all the rest. I’ve had people outright take my content/my writing as if it was their own. I’ve watched people try to emulate someone’s success but have fallen on their face.


There are so many reasons! But I'll give you three possib...

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Self Care For The Holidays (And Any Other Time)

When was the last time you put yourself FIRST?
Are you wired to always put others first and then one day you find you are utterly exhausted?
Where do you need to break a barrier within your own habits so you can keep your cup full?
Here's some encouragement to put yourself first, especially as we move into an intense holiday seasons. When you do, Remembering more of YOU becomes easier.
I give you permission to allow yourself to do Absolutely.Nothing.For.A.Day and do what makes you happy.


Love the idea of an 11 month mentorship program that will help you stop the continual searching and start giving you a sense of hope and peace while giving you concrete feelings of forward movement you’ve been craving? Yes? Here's the next step; submit the application and let's get start the dialogue! 

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Living with Grace ~ Simplicity in Authentic Grace


Episode 4. How do you get to the place of Authentic Grace? What are the steps? How do you know when you are "there"? Are you ever there?

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Living with Grace ~ The End of Resistance Brings Grace


Episode 3

Let go of the parts of you you no longer want and reinvent yourself!

To find my book, Living with Grace, go here.



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