May We Never Know What We Are Preventing

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, I have come to learn and recognize what rogue cells look like on the surface of your skin…
I found such an area recently and while my dermatologist schedules out months and months in advance, with my description she squeezed me in within weeks.
By the time I had my appointment this bright pink area of cells had paled. I wondered about it yet kept my appointment.
She  confirmed what I thought and immediately got her trusted can of liquid nitrogen.
I mentioned the area had been a bright fuchsia when I first called. Does the pale pink indicate it’s been healing? On its own?
She nodded and said yes.
I didn’t mention the Asea redox I’ve been using since April… But is it possible that the area began healing on its own because of these magical molecules rushing to the aid to neutralize the area?!
May we never know what we are preventing by our wise choices.
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