My arm had swollen to the point of alarm. Skin was taut and it itched like crazy.
I’d been stung by a bee.
I tried many things, but nothing was giving me relief!
There is irony in the term “hive mind.” I went to my Facebook hive mind and showed them my arm asking for help.
The best remedy my body and that sting responded to was a water and baking soda paste. I put a bit of gauze over it, wrapped it up and went to bed. After about 5 hours I woke, removed it and went back to bed. I slept another 5 hours. I think the poison made me tired! I did this for one more day and by the end of day 4 it is barely noticeable. I am so grateful, as my research had stated symptoms may last 7 - 30 days!
Note to self: when you go away to the Northwoods, bring baking soda just in case!
Sometimes we need to ask for help.
Sometimes what once worked suddenly doesn’t.
Sometimes allowing vulnerability is what is required while at the same time not easy.
What are you trying to work through and always fi...
I have many messengers of magic in my home that I have acquired over the years on my spiritual quest for wholeness.
One of the very first things I bought was a sweet, little hummingbird which hangs on a string from the ceiling. Today I took it down and dusted it off and I really looked at how beautiful it is and how for these many years it has given me the message of Joy. It has reminded me of the beauty not only of the hummingbird, but of life.
The piece is delicate, intricate and hand painted. It is truly a piece of art. It is very detailed and exquisite. There are many things that you can glean from this. You can glean not just the magic and message of hummingbird medicine, but when looking at the piece as art, you can access the pride that went into creation and painting of it. It’s interesting to realize that I have objects around my home and office that I know exactly where and when I bought them. Sometimes I even remember how much I paid for them.
Do you have things around yo...