Removing Impurities From Your Water (and life)

It’s simple, really.

Add a few drops of your favorite vitality essential oil to water and … it tastes delicious.

… Unless the water is full of chemicals and gross junk. And it rises to the surface as the oils do their magic. The scum is real.

This is what happened to me years ago when I met someone at a fancy, exclusive private club to share Young Living Essential Oils with her.

We each had a glass of water; I added lemon oil.

A short while later all the impurities had risen to the top of the water.

It was quite disgusting. We chose to buy extremely expensive Italian bottled water because the idea of actually DRINKING from our glass was repulsive.

It rather forever changed my view of tap water, ice cubes (on airplanes too) and so much more.

When we take in inorganic substances, be they sprayed chemicals on food or chemicals found in our water supply, or breathed in, our bodies work hard to move these things out. Our organic bodies are not designed to deal with synthetic compounds. So please don’t add synthetic “essential oils” to your water. Use the real deal.