How comfortable are you with the Edge? The edge of where you are while you look at where you really want to be?
Does your tummy rumble with that excited fear of knowing you're about to step into something super exciting and desirable? knowing you have finally mustered up the courage to take a chance on yourself?
Or does it tumble out of control with huge amounts of paralyzing fear?
If the first option, I congratulate you on being brave enough to step into the Unknown.
If the second, I encourage you to close your eyes, pick up your foot and take a chance on yourself. Believe in yourself enough to do something that somewhere very deep within yourself you want This - whatever This is for you. You would not have the Desire if it was not planted there by God/Universe/Creator, your very Soul.
We all want More. We all want Better. The More and the Better just changes depending on what Edge we are standing on.
One day you'll find yourself looking back at one of those Edges and wonder why you were so reluctant to move.
And so it will be with each and every Edge.
If you are ready to take a chance, Now is always a good time. Now.
Have courage. The Edge really isn't an Edge. It's a stepping stone.
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