Beyond Automation: The Promise of Personal Connection

We have become a society where detachment from one another has the norm.

Businesses create methods of barriers upon barriers that make communicating with the people they serve.

We have slowly automated everything.

Self check out saves the business money at the cost of human connection.

Automated phone systems with barrier upon barrier of getting through to a human.

People texting people in the room next door.

Teachers quitting because they can’t get their students to put away their cell phones.

In many ways, this technology is like a live experiment. How will our children’s longevity and health be affected by all the screen time they experience before even graduating high school? What will happen to their communication skills as they grow accustomed to this one-dimensional way of living?

Idk. These are rhetorical questions I am asking myself.

And. I make a vow to you that when you interact with my brand, I will not isolate and hide behind a convoluted system of walls and barriers.

I desire to know who you are, what makes you tick, how you desire to change and impact the world in the way only YOU can. You can’t thrive and make impact if all you get is tech, walls, barriers and manipulated data, content, “news.”

If you are loving my perspective and you are ready for impact and a new trajectory in your life, I’m your gal. Comment READY or message me directly and let’s change the world together.